Welcome Doctors!
Our prescriptions pads are always updated and checked with the DEA monthly.
- Controlled Substance Triplicates
- Non-Controlled Substance
Have any questions? Give us a call or send us a e-mail!
Rx pads - To get started:
NEW Security Feature: Serialized/Barcode
To get started, please fill out the Rx Pad order form which you can download by clicking on the picture below:
Please read all instructions!
Send us a copy of the doctor(s) DEA / Medical License along with the filled out Rx pad Order Form and Copies of your licenses to our e-mail: graphics@mmpsm.com or fax: 650-377-0180
Rx Pad Options:
- Regular Size: 4.25in x 5.5in
- 1-Part / 2-Part (Carbon Copy)
- Large Size: 5in x 7in
- 1-Part / 2-Part (Carbon Copy)
Rx Pads Security Features:
- "California Security Prescription" Watermark
- "Rx" Thermochromic Ink
- Area of Opaque Writing
- Chemical Void Protection
- Latent "Void" Pattern
- Microprinted Sign Line
Have any questions? Let us know!
Need to order Non-Controlled Rx Pads? Please click the order now button below!